Spooky Reds

Got around to editing some footage from a trip in July. While working down in Grand Isle I got an evening to get out and stalk some reds. It was windy that day, the tide was high, and clouds were intermittent – basically conditions were working against me when it comes to sightfishing. However, I managed to one flat that was full of individual mangrove plants and had a few small reds too. This flat probably only floods on a high tide so I was in luck that it actually had water on it. The reds were a bit spooky because the water on the flat was shallow and clear and there really wasn’t much sneaking around I could do. After a bunch of refusals I finally had some success and now have a spot in the back of my mind for when the tide is super high.

  1. Kevin Andry said:

    Looks like you left your paddle leash (and your mojo) at home. šŸ™‚ Like someone posted on a forum recently…try that again in October and you’ll see different results! šŸ™‚


    • Kevin, the paddle clip actually broke during this trip, that’s why you don’t see it, which definitely made that transition from paddling to grabbing the rod that much harder.


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